2018 Intentions

As 2017 comes to a close, we reflect on this past year of growth, and look to 2018 with intentions to live our fullest life. We believe that living a full life means being surrounded by people that care for you, objects that inspire you, and travel that invigorates you.

Here we've outlined our intentions for 2018, and how we plan to live our best life.



We set the intention for 2018 to adventure more.  Whether it be to far away places or a new nook in our neighborhood, we challenge ourselves to live outside of the routine we have.



We set the intention for 2018 to live a passionate life. We want to explore art, music, and love with an open heart and open mind. 



We set the intention for 2018 to be mindful and reflect on our contribution to society.  To us, this means to contemplate and reflect on what we contribute and what we take, whether that be in the objects we collect or the energy we send.